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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Initialize a String Variable in C#

This program is showing different methods of initializing the given string variable.

Case 1 is about initializing the string variable with empty string

Case 2 is about initializing the string variable with null string

Case 3 is about initializing the string variable with a value string


using System;

namespace ConsoleLab
    class Programs
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Initialize with empty string
            string EmptyString = "";
            //Initialize with null string
            string NullString = null;
            //Initialize with a value string
            string ValueString = "Sample";

            Console.WriteLine("Empty String: {0}", EmptyString);
            Console.WriteLine("Null String: {0}", NullString);
            Console.WriteLine("Value String: {0}", ValueString);


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